Enhance Every Interaction with AI

AI & Automation

AI and automated bots are changing how people interact with businesses. From intuitive self-service virtual agents to smart knowledgebases that help turn your agents into experts, AI can be everywhere. Find out how the MotionCX platform can improve outcomes and reduce costs for your employees and customers alike.

Make it Easy with Automation

Don’t keep your customers waiting. Give them the tools to help themselves on their own schedule. Self-Service Automation can use advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to communicate with customers on any channel, text or voice based.

Smarter, More Personal Interactions

Get Started Quickly
With an easy-to-use visual designer, you can translate your business processes into automated workflows without having to learn to code.
Automate Every Interaction

Increase the reach of your AI investment. With MotionCX Omnichannel routing, you can design automation once and use it across every channel, text or voice based.

Personalize with Smart Data
Personalize interactions by integrating data from multiple sources and anticipating the next customer question.
Build Intelligence by the Minute
Simultaneously increase agent, system and institutional knowledge by recording every customer interaction and analyzing outcomes to increase the effectiveness of your self-service capabilities

Boost Productivity
with Agent Assist Automation

Help agents feel more like service specialists and less like robots by automating routine tasks and communication. Deploying self-service chatbots can help customers get support faster, without human intervention, so agents are freed up to focus on more meaningful interactions.

Build Bot-Driven Visual Workflows

Automate Routine Tasks
Build bot-driven visual workflows to automate common agent tasks or trigger repetitive back-office processes. Automatically fill out forms, look up customer data, or submit requests in other systems on behalf of your agents.
Get Answers Immediately
AI-powered virtual agents are not just for customers. Implement agent-facing bots to assist agents with questions during customer interactions, or even automate employee services such as HR or payroll.
Reduce Agent Burnout
Bots don’t get tired or need a break. When customer interactions change unexpectedly, automated bots can help take the pressure off your agents and help manage rapidly changing conditions.

Get Smarter
Over Time

Using Machine Learning capabilities, every interaction can be analyzed and used to improve the automation to better anticipate customer needs in the future. Understand what’s working and improve customer journeys through powerful work-flow based reporting.

See it in Motion

Learn how MotionCX can help transform your contact center into a modern engagement center.

Supercharge Your CX with
AI-Powered Tools

Reduce Costs

Chatbots manage common inquiries and actions while agents to do more, faster.

Get Personal

Impress customers with smarter self-service and more personalized agent support.

Respond Faster

Automate proactive communications and trigger responses based on customer behavior.

Increase Accuracy

Machine learning synthesizes customer data to provide accurate information.

Free Up Time

Bots that handle routine tasks will free agent time for what really matters.

Gain Insight

AI reporting highlights the metrics you care about to create a faster, smarter, future-ready CX.

Smarter CRM

Finally, A CRM That Gets Personal
Promote faster agent resolution and achieve meaningful customer interactions across every channel with a CRM that anticipates what your customers need before they even ask.
Omnichannel Communications

There’s Power In Unity

Regardless of channel — voice, chat, text, messaging — customers deserve a seamless interaction. MotionCX allows agents to interact easily with customers through a single, unified interface to solve more issues faster.

Realize the power of a more intelligent, intuitive, and unified customer experience.

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